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2010 DXpedition to
Miquelon Op - Eric KV1J |
Grid GN17
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** I support the DX Code of Conduct **
read the Code http://www.dx-code.org/ and
use it as your
guide to help keep DXing fun.
7 November – Logs loaded to LoTW and eQSL. Will start answering paper QSL's this week. It will take a couple weeks to catch up with the mail.
4 November – Back home in USA. Thanks for all the contacts!! Had a great trip.
2 November – Was on PSK-31 for a bit this morning in between packing up. In Saint Pierre tonight and then fly to Halifax tomorrow.
1 November – Contest was fun. Spent a lot of time CQing on each band but I was probably lost in the crowded bands. Once I was spotted then a good pile-up and could get a run going. In between, I S&P'd to give out the multiplier. Was geared up for JA but the path was not very good to get a run.
The phased 20m verticals worked great. Could select EU and USA from the station with them. Also set them up for the JA/AF direction.
Stormy today and will probably be on RTTY or CW since my voice is tired from the contest! Will take down the station tomorrow. No satellite operations today unless the weather improves.
October – Ready for CQWW.
Operated yesterday through early this morning including 2 more AO-51 passes.
Weather has improved and good now. Expect wind and rain through the
contest weekend. Not much luck on 160m so far. Did work Zone 16 but
conditions were not good.
12 M has had good openings.
27 October – Good weather today but raining tonight and the weather may be bad for a few days. Finished antennas but 160 seems quiet tonight. On for one AO-51 satellite pass today at 2100 UTC. AO-51 sounded very good. Will try again when rain stops. On 12M, 30M and 75M today.
26 October – Arrived by boat at Miquelon this morning. Rainy cold and windy today and SteppIR and Off-Centered dipole are up. Will try to put up 160 tomorrow if the wind is better. Was on for a few hours yesterday from Saint Pierre. Too rainy today for Sats. Setting up station now.
22 October – Informed that the Monday evening plane from Saint Pierre to Miquelon has been cancelled. Will now take a boat on Tuesday Morning.
Time Zone is GMT minus 2 hours (during daylight savings
time, FP uses the USA switchover dates)
Monday 25 October – Arrive St. Pierre, Miquelon plane cancelled, may get on the air from Saint Pierre in evening with limited antenna.
Tuesday 26 October – Take morning boat to Miquelon. Setup antennas
Through early Tuesday 2
November – On the air – SSB, CW, RTTY
Primarily SSB and RTTY
Generally on the highest frequency band open
Will try 6M if indications of openings
AO-51 Satellite (and other FM sats) weather permitting and if 2M/70cm mode*
30 - 31 October - CQWW SSB
FP/KV1J – 160 -10 Single-Op High Power (500 Watts)
Tuesday 2
November –
Take down and return to Saint Pierre
* Note on satellite
operations: I am setup for AO-51, AO-27, SO-50, SO-67, and HO-68.
All FM mode, V/U.
I will try to catch as many passes as I can when I take breaks from the low
bands. I will be recording the QSOs.
I will be outside and the weather sometimes can cause problems.
Icom IC-7000
Yaesu FT-817 (for satellites)
Heathkit SB-200 Amplifier (modified) (80 -10M)
laptop with N1MM logger, MMTTY
Tigertronics SignaLink USB
WiFi internet access
N6BV Propagation Predictions from Radioware
Off-Centered Fed Dipole 80M - 10M, height = 6m
W1STT Custom 1+KW Balun - Thanks Richie!!
SteppIR Vertical (Thanks Roger G3SXW and Nigel G3TXF ) – 40M through 10M
Inverted-L's for 160M and 80M (help from Kurt W6PH)
Phased verticals for 20 meters.
Arrow 146/437-10 (for sats)
Direct to KV1J.
Please include self addressed envelope with return postage, or US$1, or new style
*Please only new Nairobi style IRCs, Thanks.
Buro to home call - KV1J
Logbook of the World
KV1J ok on QRZ.COM
Pierre & Miquelon tourism web site
Pierre & Miquelon information web
– includes webcams
Thank you to all that have
helped us prepare for this trip, especially;
Paul K9OT and Peg KB9LIE
Jean-Pierre FP5CJ
Thanks Bruce W1CSM and Paul K1XM for donating the spare amplifier tubes
Last page update - 7 Nov 2010 - KV1J kv1j (at) arrl (dot) net