July 2025 DXpedition to Miquelon  

Op - Eric KV1J

Grid GN17       CQ Zone 5         ITU Zone 9
    DIFO FP-002
   WLOTA 1417

** I support the DX Code of Conduct **

  Please read the Code and use it as your
guide to help keep DXing fun. 



This trip is in memory of my good friend Jean-Pierre, FP5CJ,who became a SK in September 2024.  Jean-Pierre was a huge help to many hams that came to Saint Pierre to operate.  We will miss you!

Ce voyage est en mémoire de mon bon ami Jean-Pierre, FP5CJ, devenu SK en septembre 2024. Jean-Pierre a été d'une grande aide pour de nombreux radio amateurs qui sont venus à Saint-Pierre pour opérer.  Tu nous manqueras !

This will be my 17th trip to the island.  During the last few trips the amount of email requests while I was there increased significantly. 
This is a one person operation so please understand that I can not read and respond all the emails while I am there.  I post logs to
LoTW and Club Log daily as long as I have internet access.  I can not do scheds and band change requests.  I will try to concentrate
on the higher frequency bands while we are at this peak in the sunspot cycle.  These two weeks are also prime for 50 MHz so I am
always watching that band for openings. 

Ce sera mon 17ème voyage sur l'île. Au cours des derniers voyages, le nombre de demandes par email pendant mon séjour a considérablement augmenté. Il s'agit d'une opération effectuée par une seule personne, alors comprenez que je ne peux pas lire et répondre à tous les emails pendant que je suis là. Je publie des journaux sur LoTW et Club Log quotidiennement tant que j'ai accès à Internet. Je ne peux pas faire de plannings ni de demandes de changement de groupe. je vais essayer de me concentrer sur les bandes de fréquences les plus élevées alors que nous sommes à ce pic du cycle des taches solaires. Ces deux semaines sont également idéales pour 50 MHz, donc je suis je regarde toujours ce groupe pour les ouvertures.


ClubLog search

Schedule 2025

Time Zone is GMT minus 2 hours (daylight savings time)       Current weather

Thursday 26 June – Drive to Halifax, NS.

Friday 27 June – Fly to St. Pierre, take evening ferry to Miquelon

Saturday 28 June –   Participating in local event.  Start setup antennas, station. Not all antennas will be up the first day.  Also weather dependant.   Will be doing some maintenance work the first few days.

28 June through 14 July   – On the air – SSB, CW, FT8, FT4 - 80M - 6M 

                                              Primarily SSB and FT8
                                              Generally on the highest frequency band open favoring 12M 10M and 6M.
                                              Also active on 60M FT8 (allocation is 5351.5-5366.5 15 watts so mostly FT8 & 5357)

                                              No satellite operation
                                              Active in Canada Day and Marconi contests


12 - 13 July –   IARU HF Contest - CW and SSB

Tuesday 15 July  – Take down and take evening boat to Saint Pierre

Wednesday 16 July  – Fly to Halifax then drive to Maine



Elecraft K3, IC-7300

Heathkit SB-200 Amplifier (modified) 80 -10M

Laptop with N1MM logger, Mortty-v5

N6BV Propagation Prediction



N1IW Off-Centered Fed Dipole 80M - 10M,  height = 4m

SpiderBeam HD - 5 band - Wire Yagi Beam 20M-10M  up 4 meters.

60M Vertical

6 Meter 3 element yagi up 4.5 meters


QSL Information

Direct to KV1J.  Please include self addressed envelope with return postage, or US$1,

Buro to home call - KV1J

Logbook of the World, ClubLog, eQSL  (will load LoTW and ClubLog about every night.  eQSL will be loaded about one week after I return)



 KV1J is ok on QRZ.COM


Cheznoo.net – includes webcams



Log (all FP/KV1J trips)

Martin RF Supply


Last page update - 16 November 2024 - KV1J       kv1j (at) arrl (dot) net